by 1053896

The Mexicali and Imperial Valleys, both belonging to the vast, attenuated (and now bisected) historical flood plain of the Colorado River, are two of the most intensively productive agricultural regions in Mexico and the United States. This would never have been were it not for the vision and hubris that rerouted the Colorado River into this desert some one hundred years ago. The canal dug to irrigate the region has since been bifurcated, litigated, and most recently lined with concrete—all with the outcome of reducing the Mexicali Valley’s historical access to water. This video serves as a reminder that these two valleys remain—despite the managerialist imperatives that divide them—very much one cultural, environmental, and hydrological entity. (2009, running time: 10 minutes.)

El valle de Mexicali y el Imperial pertenecen al vasto, atenuado (y ahora bipartido) terreno inundable del delta del Río Colorado, son las regiones agrícolas más intensamente productivas de ...

Full Description

The Mexicali and Imperial Valleys, both belonging to the vast, attenuated (and now bisected) historical flood plain of the Colorado River, are two of the most intensively productive agricultural regions in Mexico and the United States. This would never have been were it not for the vision and hubris that rerouted the Colorado River into this desert some one hundred years ago. The canal dug to irrigate the region has since been bifurcated, litigated, and most recently lined with concrete—all with the outcome of reducing the Mexicali Valley’s historical access to water. This video serves as a reminder that these two valleys remain—despite the managerialist imperatives that divide them—very much one cultural, environmental, and hydrological entity. (2009, running time: 10 minutes.)

El valle de Mexicali y el Imperial pertenecen al vasto, atenuado (y ahora bipartido) terreno inundable del delta del Río Colorado, son las regiones agrícolas más intensamente productivas de México y los Estados Unidos. Esto no habría ocurrido de no haber sido por la visión y arrogancia que redirigieron el cauce del Río Colorado hacia este desierto hace alrededor de cien años. El canal de irrigación que un día hidrató a la región entera ha sido bifurcado, litigado y recientemente recubierto con concreto—con el objeto de reducir el acceso histórico al agua que tenía el Valle de Mexicali. Este video cumple la función de recordar que estos dos valles son—a pesar de los esfuerzos administrativos imperantes que los dividen—más que nada una sola entidad cultural, ambiental e hidrológica. (2009, tiempo de duración: 10 minutos.)

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