the Island Universes (2009)

by 1041168

Immanuel Kant's bold and imaginative "the Island Universes" hypothesis: that stars do not fill the space in some random manner, but rather that they are organized in huge clouds, held by their gravity and flattened by rotation. What he called "the island universes" we now call galaxies. This hypothesis explains both the appearance of the Milky Way on the sky, and the appearance of faint nebulae that astronomers started to find in increasing numbers with their telescopes.

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Immanuel Kant's bold and imaginative "the Island Universes" hypothesis: that stars do not fill the space in some random manner, but rather that they are organized in huge clouds, held by their gravity and flattened by rotation. What he called "the island universes" we now call galaxies. This hypothesis explains both the appearance of the Milky Way on the sky, and the appearance of faint nebulae that astronomers started to find in increasing numbers with their telescopes.

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