by 1059338

My first attept to a performance. That was about two months ago and I was about 15 pounds heavier.I pout honey, mixed with white flour on my face, as well as gold glitter,and charcoal arount my eyes, to look like a round face raccoon! The piece was created the year I was born and it is still in my opinion so timeless! My explanation of an image to a "stuffed hare" is few repeated broken sentences, incoherent perhaps to most, but not to my Hare!...

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My first attept to a performance. That was about two months ago and I was about 15 pounds heavier.I pout honey, mixed with white flour on my face, as well as gold glitter,and charcoal arount my eyes, to look like a round face raccoon! The piece was created the year I was born and it is still in my opinion so timeless! My explanation of an image to a "stuffed hare" is few repeated broken sentences, incoherent perhaps to most, but not to my Hare!...

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