Digital Art: a Poetic Vision (2009)

by 1059487

This video is a presentation of the subjects that inform and inspire my personal work. It is an eclectic collection that includes poetry, mysticism, mathematics, music, theology, quantum physics, sacred geometry, philosophy and visual arts. In my body of work, each piece has served as a learning experience; an opportunity to discover new aspects of my own reality. They were not created to make any specific statements or assert any truths. Instead, I started every piece with the hope that an unexpected grain of truth would reveal itself to me. The value of my work can be attributed to this intangible process of exploration and its resulting ephemeral glimpses into the mysterious.

Full Description

This video is a presentation of the subjects that inform and inspire my personal work. It is an eclectic collection that includes poetry, mysticism, mathematics, music, theology, quantum physics, sacred geometry, philosophy and visual arts. In my body of work, each piece has served as a learning experience; an opportunity to discover new aspects of my own reality. They were not created to make any specific statements or assert any truths. Instead, I started every piece with the hope that an unexpected grain of truth would reveal itself to me. The value of my work can be attributed to this intangible process of exploration and its resulting ephemeral glimpses into the mysterious.

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