by 1058492

This is the introdution of an interactive system done in collaboration with a programer, Ben. Both from the 85’s Generation, video-games are there since their birth. Now the convergence of technologies give to them the possibilities to create singular production. Like a deviation of an 90’s video-game archetype the “Beat ‘em ups”.Through this game call Ready to Destroy,they pinpoint society’s problems linked to the hyper-capitalism. The main caracters are two disaffected people who go down the street and fight and destroy everything linked with the mediatic conditioning, and all people trying to stop them. They fix their madness on the technologie in charge of their psychological disorders. In Brief Ready to Destroy is product by two childrens of the digital technologie who want affirm their generation’s singularities and also entertain people with a funny but involved arcade game, where you could let off steam , as a therapy through destruction, ...

Full Description

This is the introdution of an interactive system done in collaboration with a programer, Ben. Both from the 85’s Generation, video-games are there since their birth. Now the convergence of technologies give to them the possibilities to create singular production. Like a deviation of an 90’s video-game archetype the “Beat ‘em ups”.Through this game call Ready to Destroy,they pinpoint society’s problems linked to the hyper-capitalism. The main caracters are two disaffected people who go down the street and fight and destroy everything linked with the mediatic conditioning, and all people trying to stop them. They fix their madness on the technologie in charge of their psychological disorders. In Brief Ready to Destroy is product by two childrens of the digital technologie who want affirm their generation’s singularities and also entertain people with a funny but involved arcade game, where you could let off steam , as a therapy through destruction, on a old school arcade’s paddle.

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