by 1058614

ELECTROCHOREOGRAPHIC EXERSICES Instalation dance new media This it is an assembly that ties dance, performance, video, projection of image and sound. The medias are located of different ways in the eight exercises that compose the work, from fixed form in ones an improvised in others. From a general structure, the executants activate and deactivate the scenic space like an ephemeral installation. The treated concepts cross the field of the Art, like space of circulation of the power, establishing relations with the politician and the sort. Simultaneously the traditional processes of choreographic creation and conditions of the work of art are exposed at the moment questioned by the technology like their place of exhibition, its reproduction, and the idea of spectator-author.

Dirección y concepto: Brisa MP Intérpretes : Valeria ortega, Carmen Gloria Tabilo Performance e interacción: Claudia Sepúlveda Sonido y ejecución en vivo: Alondra Cornejo Sonido de prueba en proceso: Las. ...

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ELECTROCHOREOGRAPHIC EXERSICES Instalation dance new media This it is an assembly that ties dance, performance, video, projection of image and sound. The medias are located of different ways in the eight exercises that compose the work, from fixed form in ones an improvised in others. From a general structure, the executants activate and deactivate the scenic space like an ephemeral installation. The treated concepts cross the field of the Art, like space of circulation of the power, establishing relations with the politician and the sort. Simultaneously the traditional processes of choreographic creation and conditions of the work of art are exposed at the moment questioned by the technology like their place of exhibition, its reproduction, and the idea of spectator-author.

Dirección y concepto: Brisa MP Intérpretes : Valeria ortega, Carmen Gloria Tabilo Performance e interacción: Claudia Sepúlveda Sonido y ejecución en vivo: Alondra Cornejo Sonido de prueba en proceso: Las. Post Cámara y videos en vivo: Brisa MP Vestuario: Patricia Tabilo Traducción: Isabel del Valle Producción: Caída Libre y Andrea Muñoz Registro escénico: Evelyn Schwartz y Víctor Cabrera. Softwares en escena: VDJ Arkaos, Photoshop, FL Studio Duración: 50` Biblioteca de Santiago 2006 (funciones de prueba. Transmisión online vía cámara web) MAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Santiago de Chile 2007 http://ejercicioselectrocoreograficos...

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