The Art Work of Brujo de la Mancha (2009)

by 1058965

Why do I call my pieces Reincarnations from the Future? Trash is so predominate in Western culture, one day it will take on a life of its own and mutate into new forms. All these machines in our society are taking away life, taking the place of our bodies and minds. All of these unnecessary objects, this trash, are morphing into living creatures themselves. My sculptures are made from objects found in the trash, from my own house and throughout the city. A piece of broken computer gains arms, horns, tongues and wings from my imagination. Imagine for a moment that all of our trash could somehow pull itself together and recycle itself into another life form. That is what I want you to see. Alebriges, a traditional art form indigenous to Southern Mexico. www . brujodelamancha . com

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Why do I call my pieces Reincarnations from the Future? Trash is so predominate in Western culture, one day it will take on a life of its own and mutate into new forms. All these machines in our society are taking away life, taking the place of our bodies and minds. All of these unnecessary objects, this trash, are morphing into living creatures themselves. My sculptures are made from objects found in the trash, from my own house and throughout the city. A piece of broken computer gains arms, horns, tongues and wings from my imagination. Imagine for a moment that all of our trash could somehow pull itself together and recycle itself into another life form. That is what I want you to see. Alebriges, a traditional art form indigenous to Southern Mexico. www . brujodelamancha . com

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