Looking (baboon) (2009)

by 1058935

This is documentation of my piece, Looking (baboon), which was exhibited in the 2008 Dumbo Art Under the Bridge Festival from September 26-28, 2008 in Dumbo, Brooklyn, New York.

In this video projection, a baboon peers out of a window, surveying the world around him. His expressive features encourage passers-by to consider what the animal is responding to and why, and to compare these responses to their own visceral experiences of being alive.

Full Description

This is documentation of my piece, Looking (baboon), which was exhibited in the 2008 Dumbo Art Under the Bridge Festival from September 26-28, 2008 in Dumbo, Brooklyn, New York.

In this video projection, a baboon peers out of a window, surveying the world around him. His expressive features encourage passers-by to consider what the animal is responding to and why, and to compare these responses to their own visceral experiences of being alive.

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