Physics! 101 (2009)

by 1054576


Media: Digital -- Video/Audio

Music by Alex Ewin -- "134 - irth"

This is my attempt to illustrate the principles of Kinematics, and illustrating the practical uses of the Strong and Weak Fundamental Forces.

I thought about the best way to show principles of Physics as they related to visual aesthetics. My message is the exploration of chaos (theory) and uncertainty (Heisenberg's principle), and how those words relate to Physics. In addition, how those words are juxtaposed against the period in which this footage represents.

Begins to see how the world around them does not just appear that way, all things have causal effects.

I started with a brainstorming session that started with the word "PHYSICS" and branched out based on the fundamental forces then branched based on how they interact on a larger scale. Then I proceeded to combine that with a visual/auditory effort.

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Media: Digital -- Video/Audio

Music by Alex Ewin -- "134 - irth"

This is my attempt to illustrate the principles of Kinematics, and illustrating the practical uses of the Strong and Weak Fundamental Forces.

I thought about the best way to show principles of Physics as they related to visual aesthetics. My message is the exploration of chaos (theory) and uncertainty (Heisenberg's principle), and how those words relate to Physics. In addition, how those words are juxtaposed against the period in which this footage represents.

Begins to see how the world around them does not just appear that way, all things have causal effects.

I started with a brainstorming session that started with the word "PHYSICS" and branched out based on the fundamental forces then branched based on how they interact on a larger scale. Then I proceeded to combine that with a visual/auditory effort.

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