transpix (2008)

by 1044019

transpix is a work composed from a painting and a digital animation projected together. this video shows the installation of this work in late 2006 in valparaiso`s gallery "el farol" in chile. the work is a reflection about the paper of light in painting and moreover the projection/obstruction of the mind process in the material world. in the installation you can´t take a close look because your body obstruct the projection and revealing the naked painting on your shadow. the reaction on people was a fun stopped mind and beggin to play on a shadows theatre, as you can see it on the flickr photos.

Full Description

transpix is a work composed from a painting and a digital animation projected together. this video shows the installation of this work in late 2006 in valparaiso`s gallery "el farol" in chile. the work is a reflection about the paper of light in painting and moreover the projection/obstruction of the mind process in the material world. in the installation you can´t take a close look because your body obstruct the projection and revealing the naked painting on your shadow. the reaction on people was a fun stopped mind and beggin to play on a shadows theatre, as you can see it on the flickr photos.

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