Cummings Road Landfill (2008)

by 1053896

The Cummings Road Landfill features a reflective typological inventory of the mechanical infrastructure and mysterious subterranean activities of my community’s largest collectively constructed entity. Though it’s a misunderstood and entirely manufactured landscape, it none-the-less possesses some of the visual characteristics of more authentically scenic destinations. The site’s squirting pumps and bubbling methane fields, for example, curiously resemble the geothermal features one finds in places like Yellowstone National Park.

Full Description

The Cummings Road Landfill features a reflective typological inventory of the mechanical infrastructure and mysterious subterranean activities of my community’s largest collectively constructed entity. Though it’s a misunderstood and entirely manufactured landscape, it none-the-less possesses some of the visual characteristics of more authentically scenic destinations. The site’s squirting pumps and bubbling methane fields, for example, curiously resemble the geothermal features one finds in places like Yellowstone National Park.

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