[MICRO] (2009)

by 1026258

on DECEMBER 10, 2008 jason.sloan joined up for a live online collaboration with fellow net.work and media artists barry r. jones and robb fladry. performing under the moniker [FLADRY + JONES] both artists work with the live manipulation of kinetic images in response to a variety of environmental and sonic stimuli. the december 10th collaboration was a live, online convergence joining our geographic dis.location [fladry in tampa florida, jones in nashville tennessee and me in baltimore, maryland].

[MICRO] loosely addressed the theme of "human rights" since by coincidence the day of the performance happened to be human rights day. [MICRO] incorporated the manipulation of live streaming video and a live twitter feed filtered for posts addressing human rights overlay the video.

jason contributed a live improvised soundtrack which was in direct response to the video.

Full Description

on DECEMBER 10, 2008 jason.sloan joined up for a live online collaboration with fellow net.work and media artists barry r. jones and robb fladry. performing under the moniker [FLADRY + JONES] both artists work with the live manipulation of kinetic images in response to a variety of environmental and sonic stimuli. the december 10th collaboration was a live, online convergence joining our geographic dis.location [fladry in tampa florida, jones in nashville tennessee and me in baltimore, maryland].

[MICRO] loosely addressed the theme of "human rights" since by coincidence the day of the performance happened to be human rights day. [MICRO] incorporated the manipulation of live streaming video and a live twitter feed filtered for posts addressing human rights overlay the video.

jason contributed a live improvised soundtrack which was in direct response to the video.

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