Bubbles and croosings (2008)

by 1044162

This abstract video belongs to The Kali Suite, my first individual exhibition, in 2002. It shows visual paradoxes created in between several bubbles and different planes.

Regarding the series title. A suite is a series of musical pieces, originally dances. The suite is also a room or a group of rooms. In the hotels the suite is the deluxe dependence. And Kali is, as you know, a central figure in the Hindu religion. In the hinduist cosmogony, Kali is the motor agent of the infinite process of the world's creation and destruction. She is the time goddess by antonomasia.

More details at lasuitekali.info

Full Description

This abstract video belongs to The Kali Suite, my first individual exhibition, in 2002. It shows visual paradoxes created in between several bubbles and different planes.

Regarding the series title. A suite is a series of musical pieces, originally dances. The suite is also a room or a group of rooms. In the hotels the suite is the deluxe dependence. And Kali is, as you know, a central figure in the Hindu religion. In the hinduist cosmogony, Kali is the motor agent of the infinite process of the world's creation and destruction. She is the time goddess by antonomasia.

More details at lasuitekali.info

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