Basura Quemada (2008)

by 1053896

Basura Quemada investigates various modes of refuse disposal in several communities in Tijuana, Mexico. One community—for lack of municipal services—burns its trash in backyards and along roadsides. Another makes its living burning and recycling materials gleaned from an enormous municipal dump. Yet another group of rural ranchers have (as a result of their own economic activities) manufactured a mountainous precipice of smoking, smoldering manure. All of these communities have unwittingly created cinematic spectacles of alchemical magic and occasionally awesome grandeur.

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Basura Quemada investigates various modes of refuse disposal in several communities in Tijuana, Mexico. One community—for lack of municipal services—burns its trash in backyards and along roadsides. Another makes its living burning and recycling materials gleaned from an enormous municipal dump. Yet another group of rural ranchers have (as a result of their own economic activities) manufactured a mountainous precipice of smoking, smoldering manure. All of these communities have unwittingly created cinematic spectacles of alchemical magic and occasionally awesome grandeur.

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