Hombre blanco, mi mente no está en blanco. (2008)

by 1032441

Hombre blanco, mi mente no está en blanco.

Public performance and installation. Performed by Arrosamena and his group Transperformance at Iberoamerikanska Instututet. Gothenburg University, Sweden in year 2003.

Exploring the aesthetic of spiritual practices and magic rituals, discriminated by dominant established Christian religion and the positivist trends in western culture, analyzing the problematic of “otherness” for people who practiced animistic rituals historically prohibited or censured,

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Hombre blanco, mi mente no está en blanco.

Public performance and installation. Performed by Arrosamena and his group Transperformance at Iberoamerikanska Instututet. Gothenburg University, Sweden in year 2003.

Exploring the aesthetic of spiritual practices and magic rituals, discriminated by dominant established Christian religion and the positivist trends in western culture, analyzing the problematic of “otherness” for people who practiced animistic rituals historically prohibited or censured,

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