Too Close for Comfort (2004) (2008)

by 1031521

Too Close for Comfort is a piece that were made for a group in conjunction with the Bergen International Film Festival, October 2004. It is a two and a half minutes long film, consisting of a split screen with two films running in sync with each other. The first part consists of a game sequence from an old flight simulator, crashing into the World Trade Center. The other part consists of a character running on a flat, green surface. At the exact time the plane crash into the building, the character jumps from what reveals itself to be a gorge or hole. It could also be the roof of a large building. The film were presented in an endless loop.

Full Description

Too Close for Comfort is a piece that were made for a group in conjunction with the Bergen International Film Festival, October 2004. It is a two and a half minutes long film, consisting of a split screen with two films running in sync with each other. The first part consists of a game sequence from an old flight simulator, crashing into the World Trade Center. The other part consists of a character running on a flat, green surface. At the exact time the plane crash into the building, the character jumps from what reveals itself to be a gorge or hole. It could also be the roof of a large building. The film were presented in an endless loop.

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