Phoneme Machine (2009)

by 1044245

Space Cornish is typified by inconsistencies in the vocal and gesture instruments used to speak it. Complexity is a key concern. Overloading a component will often produce desirable effects, and thus continued reproduction of varied effects is likely. Space Cornish is concerned with developing word salads that have specific effects when eaten. These are the words that accelerate the Space Traveller, words that are unstable and incommensurable. These are words that affect the Sapce Traveller in beneficial ways. words that are polyrhythmic, post-Euclidian and advanced.

Full Description

Space Cornish is typified by inconsistencies in the vocal and gesture instruments used to speak it. Complexity is a key concern. Overloading a component will often produce desirable effects, and thus continued reproduction of varied effects is likely. Space Cornish is concerned with developing word salads that have specific effects when eaten. These are the words that accelerate the Space Traveller, words that are unstable and incommensurable. These are words that affect the Sapce Traveller in beneficial ways. words that are polyrhythmic, post-Euclidian and advanced.

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