Portrait of Movement (2009)

by 1052075

5 min; 16mm & still images; 2006

Portrait of Movement is the first in a series of films that resuscitates disintegrating 16mm footage. Found in the office of a deceased climatologist, the 1.5 hours of film will be segmented into 5-10 minutes and combined with imagery that acknowledges its significance.

In this film, footage of tornadoes and the destruction that they cause is combined with swelling profiles of ghostly characters. Insulated with a layer of sound, these images are forced to recollect each other.

Interview for the video: newenglandfilm.com/news/archives/2006/06/shea.htm

Full Description

5 min; 16mm & still images; 2006

Portrait of Movement is the first in a series of films that resuscitates disintegrating 16mm footage. Found in the office of a deceased climatologist, the 1.5 hours of film will be segmented into 5-10 minutes and combined with imagery that acknowledges its significance.

In this film, footage of tornadoes and the destruction that they cause is combined with swelling profiles of ghostly characters. Insulated with a layer of sound, these images are forced to recollect each other.

Interview for the video: newenglandfilm.com/news/archives/2006/06/shea.htm

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