man wit web cam (2008)

by 1057531

Inspired by Lev Kuleshov's film editing experiment in which he spliced footage of an expressionless man with other, presumably emotive vignettes. Audiences believed that the man's expression changed when he "saw" the edited vignettes- although his expression stayed the same. It is believed that the viewers relate their own feelings to the images and then attribute it to the actor. This is called the "Kuleshov Effect."

"man wit web cam" examines the Kuleshov effect as it related to internet video, webcam aesthetics, and memes.

Full Description

Inspired by Lev Kuleshov's film editing experiment in which he spliced footage of an expressionless man with other, presumably emotive vignettes. Audiences believed that the man's expression changed when he "saw" the edited vignettes- although his expression stayed the same. It is believed that the viewers relate their own feelings to the images and then attribute it to the actor. This is called the "Kuleshov Effect."

"man wit web cam" examines the Kuleshov effect as it related to internet video, webcam aesthetics, and memes.

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