Ferrofluid in Museum of Science and Industry (2008)

by 1057726

My newest exhibit, demonstrated at The Museum of Science and Industry, held a continuous crowd with an interactive display of levitating magnetic liquid. My Magnetoscope exhibit is for sale to science museums and works well in tech-savvy art venues too. Watch for cooperative interactions between strangers as they turn the handles that move strong magnets near the ferrofluid. This requires cooperative coordinated control. This nanoengineered material hooks curiosity so strongly that people demand an explanation the underlying physics and chemistry.

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My newest exhibit, demonstrated at The Museum of Science and Industry, held a continuous crowd with an interactive display of levitating magnetic liquid. My Magnetoscope exhibit is for sale to science museums and works well in tech-savvy art venues too. Watch for cooperative interactions between strangers as they turn the handles that move strong magnets near the ferrofluid. This requires cooperative coordinated control. This nanoengineered material hooks curiosity so strongly that people demand an explanation the underlying physics and chemistry.

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