Light Manipulation (2009)

by 1054576

Media: Video/Audio

This is an exercise to test the concept of optics. It deals with long exposure times and light patterns in complete darkness captured through video. In photography, adjusting aperture and shutter speed yields interesting results. This is my attempt to replicate long exposures and reinterpret them through video.

What was my process? Two cameras, one set to over-expose light and the other as a light source.

This is merely an experimentation of light, optics, and exposure is supposed to serve as an illustration as to how some of my photography dealing with long exposure times was created.

I wanted to deal with light and how different optical devices register light.

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Media: Video/Audio

This is an exercise to test the concept of optics. It deals with long exposure times and light patterns in complete darkness captured through video. In photography, adjusting aperture and shutter speed yields interesting results. This is my attempt to replicate long exposures and reinterpret them through video.

What was my process? Two cameras, one set to over-expose light and the other as a light source.

This is merely an experimentation of light, optics, and exposure is supposed to serve as an illustration as to how some of my photography dealing with long exposure times was created.

I wanted to deal with light and how different optical devices register light.

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