Heroin Kids (2009)

by 1066276

We are concerned with love, yearning, self destruction, violence, sexuality and youth. Our work expresses the yearning into the unknown, it conveys the discrepancy between drug addiction, desire and the social morality concerning to this desire. This morality which degrades the human being to victims instead of roses. Roses which blossom the most beautiful shortly before they fade away. Beauty is nothing to hold on. There are many ways and chances to see the world and this is one of them!

"I'm addicted to drugs - I'm anorexic --"spit in my face" lOVe me - rape me - I'm a Rockstar !!

Video Art & Photography by CorinnaEngel & ChristianKaiser

Full Description

We are concerned with love, yearning, self destruction, violence, sexuality and youth. Our work expresses the yearning into the unknown, it conveys the discrepancy between drug addiction, desire and the social morality concerning to this desire. This morality which degrades the human being to victims instead of roses. Roses which blossom the most beautiful shortly before they fade away. Beauty is nothing to hold on. There are many ways and chances to see the world and this is one of them!

"I'm addicted to drugs - I'm anorexic --"spit in my face" lOVe me - rape me - I'm a Rockstar !!

Video Art & Photography by CorinnaEngel & ChristianKaiser

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