un peu, mais je sui morte (2008)

by 1004383

Mobile Film

A little, but I died - 2´ min

The film is a sequence, without any scene editions. The pocket-movie mixes the new technologies of communication - mobile, Internet, computers, and graphic interfaces with personal feelings, trouht them. A depression (analogical) was decided - or not - in the digital way: navigation, drift, isolation, depression, symbolic suicide. The affection and disaffections of this (ours) “hardwired’ generation are close to the new technologies: loves begin and finishes through the Internet (and mobiles). The soundtrack, from Andrea May is totally electronic and incorporates sounds of computer´s keyboards.

:: 3º Prize in Bahia Celular Filme, Brazil

::Participation in Art Tech Media 2007 - Madrid - Spain - ::creation for mobile plataforms - http://www.artechmedia.net/artechmedia-congreso/

:: Participation in Festival Dispositivo - Cine Falcatrua - Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, december 2007 , Brazil -

Full Description

Mobile Film

A little, but I died - 2´ min

The film is a sequence, without any scene editions. The pocket-movie mixes the new technologies of communication - mobile, Internet, computers, and graphic interfaces with personal feelings, trouht them. A depression (analogical) was decided - or not - in the digital way: navigation, drift, isolation, depression, symbolic suicide. The affection and disaffections of this (ours) “hardwired’ generation are close to the new technologies: loves begin and finishes through the Internet (and mobiles). The soundtrack, from Andrea May is totally electronic and incorporates sounds of computer´s keyboards.

:: 3º Prize in Bahia Celular Filme, Brazil

::Participation in Art Tech Media 2007 - Madrid - Spain - ::creation for mobile plataforms - http://www.artechmedia.net/artechmedia-congreso/

:: Participation in Festival Dispositivo - Cine Falcatrua - Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, december 2007 , Brazil -

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