rAys V2.0 interactive laser installation (2008)

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rAys v2.0 is a revolutionary interactive laser instrument made by media artist Raymond Deirkauf i.c.w. the BE_lab. The audience generates electronic music and visuals through movement in a rain of 64 lasers .This results in a fascinating unity of music and visuals generated by the audience in a music set lasting more than one hour. Every movement directly corresponds to the rhythm and visuals.

Full Description

rAys v2.0 is a revolutionary interactive laser instrument made by media artist Raymond Deirkauf i.c.w. the BE_lab. The audience generates electronic music and visuals through movement in a rain of 64 lasers .This results in a fascinating unity of music and visuals generated by the audience in a music set lasting more than one hour. Every movement directly corresponds to the rhythm and visuals.

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