blink (the nighttime show) (2008)

by 1055660

A type of transformative mediation with pulsing pixels which saturate and evolve into forms that appear and change. Corner of the eye movement corresponds to walking past street lamps or riding an underground train. A purposely blurred view of passing landscapes translates a secret communiqué or coded transmission. A phonetic algorithm building a substrate foundation that deconstructs and lowers, evaporating directly in front of the viewer. The piece is meant to be shown large scale to create drama. Watching overhead lulling the entire city to sleep, lights shutting off, things being put away to the sounds of nighttime. 3 channel video interpolation utilizing analog video generators. Video image processors are fed through onto digital tape. Further altering through double frame-rate speed manipulation occurs creating a real time slow motion effect that evolves slowly through a growth phase.

Full Description

A type of transformative mediation with pulsing pixels which saturate and evolve into forms that appear and change. Corner of the eye movement corresponds to walking past street lamps or riding an underground train. A purposely blurred view of passing landscapes translates a secret communiqué or coded transmission. A phonetic algorithm building a substrate foundation that deconstructs and lowers, evaporating directly in front of the viewer. The piece is meant to be shown large scale to create drama. Watching overhead lulling the entire city to sleep, lights shutting off, things being put away to the sounds of nighttime. 3 channel video interpolation utilizing analog video generators. Video image processors are fed through onto digital tape. Further altering through double frame-rate speed manipulation occurs creating a real time slow motion effect that evolves slowly through a growth phase.

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