CryLady Timex (2008)

by 1055660

Is it live or Memorex? What's the context, what's going on? Who is that woman and why is she crying? CryLady Timex is a voyeuristic peek during a sensitive moment. The audience is privy to something mysterious and cruel, being provoked and manipulated, though not by our sobbing heroine. Secretive dramatic license is taken while curiosity and questions arise. The shame of looking is meant to overwhelm and manipulate the audience. Is this candid or staged? The sounds and actions deliberate or accidental? Anticipation of what's to come, confusion over what you see. Directions are hinted, clues received, all taunting and no resolution. Can you comprehend?

Full Description

Is it live or Memorex? What's the context, what's going on? Who is that woman and why is she crying? CryLady Timex is a voyeuristic peek during a sensitive moment. The audience is privy to something mysterious and cruel, being provoked and manipulated, though not by our sobbing heroine. Secretive dramatic license is taken while curiosity and questions arise. The shame of looking is meant to overwhelm and manipulate the audience. Is this candid or staged? The sounds and actions deliberate or accidental? Anticipation of what's to come, confusion over what you see. Directions are hinted, clues received, all taunting and no resolution. Can you comprehend?

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