by 1000963

Syncrorama investigates the possibilities of a simultaneous interaction between real and virtual space, through means of the web. Using specifically designed software and hardware, the spectator is invited to interact with this digital work; as a participant at the exhibition site,or virtually, through the internet. The results which appear on the exhibition screen, or any individual computer will be the same. All computers connected to the internet and logged on to the site:, as well as the exhibition screen will constantly be in sinc, creating a truly "globally synchronized" space.

Full Description

Syncrorama investigates the possibilities of a simultaneous interaction between real and virtual space, through means of the web. Using specifically designed software and hardware, the spectator is invited to interact with this digital work; as a participant at the exhibition site,or virtually, through the internet. The results which appear on the exhibition screen, or any individual computer will be the same. All computers connected to the internet and logged on to the site:, as well as the exhibition screen will constantly be in sinc, creating a truly "globally synchronized" space.

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