Alabanza (2007)

by 1044901

ALABANZA, is a documentary film about Martín Espada, renowned Puerto Rican-American poet whose definitive poem Alabanza, In Praise of Local 100 eulogizes the undocumented immigrant workers killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.We follow him on his journey to Chile to attend the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, where Espada explores another tragedy- on September 11th,1973-when the Chilean Presidential Palace was bombed and the murderous dictator, General Pinochet, was installed. This documentary, made in homage to the victims of both September 11ths, follows one poet's calling to speak for the silenced and the missing and towards understanding what role Poetry might have in a post-9/11 United States.

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ALABANZA, is a documentary film about Martín Espada, renowned Puerto Rican-American poet whose definitive poem Alabanza, In Praise of Local 100 eulogizes the undocumented immigrant workers killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.We follow him on his journey to Chile to attend the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, where Espada explores another tragedy- on September 11th,1973-when the Chilean Presidential Palace was bombed and the murderous dictator, General Pinochet, was installed. This documentary, made in homage to the victims of both September 11ths, follows one poet's calling to speak for the silenced and the missing and towards understanding what role Poetry might have in a post-9/11 United States.

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