Fig 5.2 (2008)

by 1056996

This video piece, uses a collection of shots looking at London's architecture from a camera which is placed on the side of various buildings facing upwards, I employed this method of shooting because it is a simple way of subverting the vertical landscape into one that fills the screen horizontally.

The soundtrack consists of a collage of sound-bytes which feature text selected from a selection of the most dominant academic thinkers from Plato until Baudrillard.

The motive for making this piece is as a critique of the patriarchal atmosphere of our culture, the film is firstly a means of comparing the authoritive language of our academic discourses in relation to a similarly authoritive and dominating urban cityscape. Changing the perspective of the erect into horizontal and removing sections of the text from their intended context, are methods I employed in an effort to undermine their imposing nature. The ...

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This video piece, uses a collection of shots looking at London's architecture from a camera which is placed on the side of various buildings facing upwards, I employed this method of shooting because it is a simple way of subverting the vertical landscape into one that fills the screen horizontally.

The soundtrack consists of a collage of sound-bytes which feature text selected from a selection of the most dominant academic thinkers from Plato until Baudrillard.

The motive for making this piece is as a critique of the patriarchal atmosphere of our culture, the film is firstly a means of comparing the authoritive language of our academic discourses in relation to a similarly authoritive and dominating urban cityscape. Changing the perspective of the erect into horizontal and removing sections of the text from their intended context, are methods I employed in an effort to undermine their imposing nature. The piece is edited so as all the elements are presented in rapid succession, in some ways competing with each other and in other ways legitimising and enhancing one another through the linear construct that they embody.

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