Digital Skin 2 (2008)

by 1024560

'Digital Skin 2' video sequence is bricolage of my endless virtual voyages ( 'Digital Skin' is another example of such trajectory) in cyberspace, superimposing personal data on public data base (Goggle Earth and Sky). My body digital data strips, merged with the Earth and cosmos digital data strips produced by the satellites and telescopes. The digitalization of the universe and our body transformed it to a flat image displayed on the computer monitor ('Digital Skin').The digital video sequences are the MEME for further construction \deconstruction of cyber audiovisual mutual memory and universal knowledge.

Full Description

'Digital Skin 2' video sequence is bricolage of my endless virtual voyages ( 'Digital Skin' is another example of such trajectory) in cyberspace, superimposing personal data on public data base (Goggle Earth and Sky). My body digital data strips, merged with the Earth and cosmos digital data strips produced by the satellites and telescopes. The digitalization of the universe and our body transformed it to a flat image displayed on the computer monitor ('Digital Skin').The digital video sequences are the MEME for further construction \deconstruction of cyber audiovisual mutual memory and universal knowledge.

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