Lazaro Cardenas Electrizada (2008)

by 1053896

Lazaro Cardenas Electrizada investigates the mostly handmade electrical infrastructure of Tijuana Mexico's rapidly growing exurbia. The work follows one particular community’s trajectory of electrical power from its governmentally sanctioned source to its more informally and even surreptitiously facilitated destinations. The stoic substations, idiosyncratic power poles, and wandering wires in this video possess a compelling and sometimes iconic elegance, and—perhaps surprisingly—occasionally reference the formal strategies of minimalist abstraction.

Full Description

Lazaro Cardenas Electrizada investigates the mostly handmade electrical infrastructure of Tijuana Mexico's rapidly growing exurbia. The work follows one particular community’s trajectory of electrical power from its governmentally sanctioned source to its more informally and even surreptitiously facilitated destinations. The stoic substations, idiosyncratic power poles, and wandering wires in this video possess a compelling and sometimes iconic elegance, and—perhaps surprisingly—occasionally reference the formal strategies of minimalist abstraction.

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