Bay Dredge (2008)

by 1053896

Bay Dredge examines the somewhat bizarre spectacle and unexpected formal elegance of an imposing effluent pipe that spewed its contents along an unspoiled beach in rural northern California in winter of 2007. This eleven mile-long pipe extended—vacuum cleaner-like—from a dredging barge at the local marina, across the marshes, and over the sand dunes to its final destination. The varied and often hazardous contents of the bottom of Humboldt Bay were thus dramatically revealed to all who dared to venture near this powerful motif to economic expansion.

Full Description

Bay Dredge examines the somewhat bizarre spectacle and unexpected formal elegance of an imposing effluent pipe that spewed its contents along an unspoiled beach in rural northern California in winter of 2007. This eleven mile-long pipe extended—vacuum cleaner-like—from a dredging barge at the local marina, across the marshes, and over the sand dunes to its final destination. The varied and often hazardous contents of the bottom of Humboldt Bay were thus dramatically revealed to all who dared to venture near this powerful motif to economic expansion.

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