Water (2011)

While media is inundated by the newest obsession with the digitally immersed human brain, the beauty of imagined worlds coming from deeper and more seasoned places in our shared human experience may be becoming more difficult to see. The first in a series of musical and visual works exploring the electrification of our natural existence in an attempt to communicate nature to a bit-crunching generation of media crazed peoples, water is a composition for buckets, breath, tubes, bells, horse hair, water, computers and electricity.

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While media is inundated by the newest obsession with the digitally immersed human brain, the beauty of imagined worlds coming from deeper and more seasoned places in our shared human experience may be becoming more difficult to see. The first in a series of musical and visual works exploring the electrification of our natural existence in an attempt to communicate nature to a bit-crunching generation of media crazed peoples, water is a composition for buckets, breath, tubes, bells, horse hair, water, computers and electricity.

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