SETI 1 (2010)

SETI 1 is an electromechanical sculpture that creates a continuously changing abstract video display. The sculpture exists at the juncture between the physical and the ephemeral, using technical means to produce shifting abstract phenomena of light and form. The motors that produce the movement of the machines are programmed to randomly change speed and direction while RGB LEDs are similarly randomly changing, producing a display that is never exactly the same. A camera scans an abstracted space-scape, based loosely on the images of deep space produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. The camera’s signal is transmitted to a projector or monitor, much as satellite images allow the real-time transmission of live events. The work pays homage to the psychedelic investigations of experimental filmmaker Jordan Belson and to the light organs of Thomas Wilfred. Onto the mind-expanding themes and technological prowess of these influences, I place a layer of tulle and ...

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SETI 1 is an electromechanical sculpture that creates a continuously changing abstract video display. The sculpture exists at the juncture between the physical and the ephemeral, using technical means to produce shifting abstract phenomena of light and form. The motors that produce the movement of the machines are programmed to randomly change speed and direction while RGB LEDs are similarly randomly changing, producing a display that is never exactly the same. A camera scans an abstracted space-scape, based loosely on the images of deep space produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. The camera’s signal is transmitted to a projector or monitor, much as satellite images allow the real-time transmission of live events. The work pays homage to the psychedelic investigations of experimental filmmaker Jordan Belson and to the light organs of Thomas Wilfred. Onto the mind-expanding themes and technological prowess of these influences, I place a layer of tulle and glitter, like a moon-rover in a fairy costume.

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