lost + remixed (2011)

  1. the final chapter of the lost tv series was downloaded from a spanish website whose legal status was then being debated by the local government ///

  2. two key scenes were extracted from the chapter and exported as jpeg sequences ///

  3. the jpeg sequences were remixed algorithmically using midipoet ///

lost + remixed was inspired by the "brainwash video", projected by the dharma initiative to captive "hostiles" after torturing and interrogating them, with the purpose of inducing amnesia ///

the texts in lost + remixed were selected from the cables published by wikileaks, which revealed the pressure put by the us government on spain to pass a law that would illegalize file-sharing websites

Full Description

  1. the final chapter of the lost tv series was downloaded from a spanish website whose legal status was then being debated by the local government ///

  2. two key scenes were extracted from the chapter and exported as jpeg sequences ///

  3. the jpeg sequences were remixed algorithmically using midipoet ///

lost + remixed was inspired by the "brainwash video", projected by the dharma initiative to captive "hostiles" after torturing and interrogating them, with the purpose of inducing amnesia ///

the texts in lost + remixed were selected from the cables published by wikileaks, which revealed the pressure put by the us government on spain to pass a law that would illegalize file-sharing websites

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