Simultaneous Opposites #57: Making Room (2010)

I have been developing and using the Simultaneous Opposites engine since late 2008. This is a file I generated with it in December 2010.

This 10-minute piece is in two parts: a new Simultaneous Opposites traversal titled "The Maid", and an HD document of the making of "The Maid", shot in the room where I made it.

This video shows the present state of the engine, using the 12-tone/shot row, MIDI guitar control over the video frame, and MIDI and electric guitar looping and music being made that drives the engine. Like driving your car with your horn.

The three monitors pictured are the Simultaneous Opposites control screen (Mac laptop), the capture program (Windows Premiere Pro), and the full-screen HD real-time output (Windows full screen video).

Audio for the Video is what I heard through the headphones during my traversal; the audio in the second half contains more of ...

Full Description

I have been developing and using the Simultaneous Opposites engine since late 2008. This is a file I generated with it in December 2010.

This 10-minute piece is in two parts: a new Simultaneous Opposites traversal titled "The Maid", and an HD document of the making of "The Maid", shot in the room where I made it.

This video shows the present state of the engine, using the 12-tone/shot row, MIDI guitar control over the video frame, and MIDI and electric guitar looping and music being made that drives the engine. Like driving your car with your horn.

The three monitors pictured are the Simultaneous Opposites control screen (Mac laptop), the capture program (Windows Premiere Pro), and the full-screen HD real-time output (Windows full screen video).

Audio for the Video is what I heard through the headphones during my traversal; the audio in the second half contains more of the sound of the room.

Unseen are audio modules: A Roland GR-33 synth, Mackie mixer, Edirol MIDI box, and a Boomerang looper.

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