This piece is a part of a global performing project that uses surveillance cameras from all over the world as a unique recording tool to carry out real time streaming shows. Thus, the ones that are being observed are becoming performers with an audience, so the last step of the surveillance system chain doesn't belong to the ones in charge of keeping the security in the area but to the ones observing the performers. Roles change while expanding levels of observation and questioning security methods. This piece takes place inside an ice skating arena in a mall in Shenzhen, China. A western couple, slightly taller than the rest and with little skills for ice skating are performing an occasional choreography towards the ice rink surveillance camera.

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This piece is a part of a global performing project that uses surveillance cameras from all over the world as a unique recording tool to carry out real time streaming shows. Thus, the ones that are being observed are becoming performers with an audience, so the last step of the surveillance system chain doesn't belong to the ones in charge of keeping the security in the area but to the ones observing the performers. Roles change while expanding levels of observation and questioning security methods. This piece takes place inside an ice skating arena in a mall in Shenzhen, China. A western couple, slightly taller than the rest and with little skills for ice skating are performing an occasional choreography towards the ice rink surveillance camera.

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