www.gazaairport.com (2010)

Gaza Airport, 2008 ( multimedia installation ) The Gaza International Airport art project I carried out in 2008 is again a realization of my wish to express people’s frustration about their stolen right of free movement. The idea stems from the strong wish of an immigrant Palestinian of having his family to attend his wedding in Oslo; something which has been impossible to happen due to the political realities which impose travel ban on Palestinians. The art project is an internet website coping with modern technology reaching people worldwide and addressing them by today’s language of online ticket order/purchase. The twin project ‘Palestine Airways Limited’ realized in an art installation in the Open Academy 2008 was to promote and market the total project through a real setup of travel agency equipped with posters and information sheets about the real original historical Gaza Airport of 1937. Visitors of the exhibition could ...

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Gaza Airport, 2008 ( multimedia installation ) The Gaza International Airport art project I carried out in 2008 is again a realization of my wish to express people’s frustration about their stolen right of free movement. The idea stems from the strong wish of an immigrant Palestinian of having his family to attend his wedding in Oslo; something which has been impossible to happen due to the political realities which impose travel ban on Palestinians. The art project is an internet website coping with modern technology reaching people worldwide and addressing them by today’s language of online ticket order/purchase. The twin project ‘Palestine Airways Limited’ realized in an art installation in the Open Academy 2008 was to promote and market the total project through a real setup of travel agency equipped with posters and information sheets about the real original historical Gaza Airport of 1937. Visitors of the exhibition could buy the actual invalid tickets. The art project as a whole is a protest in a peaceful ironic manner against the man-made doom of Palestinians who have to struggle for the very basic means of living. By inviting people to travel by “Palestine Airways Limited” and landing in the “Gaza Airport” the artist is calling on people to learn the paradox, and open their eyes on a human fair issue in a modernized world.

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