Googlosian Gallery (2010)

In L'art à l'état gazeux, Yves Michaud analyses contemporary art and concludes that a new paradigm succeeding post-modernity has emerged, and calls it "the triumph of aesthetics". According to him, today beauty is everywhere and everything intends to become artistic.

By questoning the once obvious link between aesthetics and art as a museums and galleries-owned discipline, Michaud also weakens the role of the curator as an essential figure in the development of contemporary art and aesthetic values.

If the premise of pursuing aesthetics has reached all human practices (from industrial design to business), the responsibility to know and evaluate the results of aesthetic production lies on society itself. This idea and the ever-growing importance of information technologies in the making of arts are the two main subjects approached by Googlosian Gallery.

In an evident reference to the world famous art institution Gagosian Gallery, this work invites the user to decide ...

Full Description

In L'art à l'état gazeux, Yves Michaud analyses contemporary art and concludes that a new paradigm succeeding post-modernity has emerged, and calls it "the triumph of aesthetics". According to him, today beauty is everywhere and everything intends to become artistic.

By questoning the once obvious link between aesthetics and art as a museums and galleries-owned discipline, Michaud also weakens the role of the curator as an essential figure in the development of contemporary art and aesthetic values.

If the premise of pursuing aesthetics has reached all human practices (from industrial design to business), the responsibility to know and evaluate the results of aesthetic production lies on society itself. This idea and the ever-growing importance of information technologies in the making of arts are the two main subjects approached by Googlosian Gallery.

In an evident reference to the world famous art institution Gagosian Gallery, this work invites the user to decide the subject of his/her art exhibition, thus making him/her the curator. To produce the artworks exhibited, Googlosian Gallery searches the keyword of the subject chosen by the curator in Google Images and delivers images that might belong to the art world but that could just as well belong to any other entity with an online presence. So, although the conception of the exhibition is human-made, its actual production is machine-made.

Googlosian Gallery has only a ludic intention: to offer the experience of art making to ordinary internet users, no matter how fictional (or virtual) this might be.

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