ephemeral systems (2006)

ephemeral systems is a multi-channel sound installation with kinetic objects.

The topic of the installation is it to narrate conditions of order and chaos acoustically. Metaphorically this is represented by the object of the paper clip. As I started to become fascinated by the different meanings of this everyday life article, a special emphasis lies on the role of the paper clip in Norway given that it was used during the Nazi-occupation as a symbol for the resistance movement.

The paper clip functions beyond that as an instrument that is moved by small engines and produces clicking noises in contact with glass plates. Visually these objects are arranged by hanging from the ceiling whereby also cables and electrotechnical components are an important sculptural component. Over a 4-channel speaker-system audio material of documentary and fictitious origin is played, which defines the room atmosphere together with the electromechanical sound objects. ...

Full Description

ephemeral systems is a multi-channel sound installation with kinetic objects.

The topic of the installation is it to narrate conditions of order and chaos acoustically. Metaphorically this is represented by the object of the paper clip. As I started to become fascinated by the different meanings of this everyday life article, a special emphasis lies on the role of the paper clip in Norway given that it was used during the Nazi-occupation as a symbol for the resistance movement.

The paper clip functions beyond that as an instrument that is moved by small engines and produces clicking noises in contact with glass plates. Visually these objects are arranged by hanging from the ceiling whereby also cables and electrotechnical components are an important sculptural component. Over a 4-channel speaker-system audio material of documentary and fictitious origin is played, which defines the room atmosphere together with the electromechanical sound objects.

A further principle was to create a model, that functions like real systems by certain rules and structures, however in contrast to reality these structures are changing fast and are determined by random parameters. The usage of the coincidence generates another version of the sound installation again and again, which excludes an accurate repetition of the sounds. Thus the installation becomes an ephemeral experience on itself.

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