How to write like Walter Benjamin (2009)

How to write like Walter Benjamin is an instructional video in 18 parts, which purports to teach the viewer how to write art theory, using Benjamins seminal essay The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. During the 18 episodes I transcribe the original text by hand, on a computer, in the process showing how to write "exactly as Walter Benjamin did."

By doing a naïve reading of the title of the text, and a literal use of "digital reproduction," I try to get to grips with Benjamins approach to film, and to see if it isn't after all the moment of creation or experiencing which facilitates "originality" and "aura" for any given work of art.

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How to write like Walter Benjamin is an instructional video in 18 parts, which purports to teach the viewer how to write art theory, using Benjamins seminal essay The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. During the 18 episodes I transcribe the original text by hand, on a computer, in the process showing how to write "exactly as Walter Benjamin did."

By doing a naïve reading of the title of the text, and a literal use of "digital reproduction," I try to get to grips with Benjamins approach to film, and to see if it isn't after all the moment of creation or experiencing which facilitates "originality" and "aura" for any given work of art.

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