Youtubeorator (2010)

In the spirit of Tristan Tzara’s “How to make a Dadaist Poem”, the Youtubeorator uses the Youtube Data API to travel hypertextualy through Youtube’s online video reserve, collecting micro clips of different videos and placing them together into a continuous video stream.

The stream of videos generated by the Youtubeorator is visually reminiscent of watching television while another person is frequently changing the channel. Just as the viewer becomes situated in the current scene, they suddenly find themselves observing a completely different video utterance. While we typically associate hypertext and new media with notions of free choice, The Youtubeorator takes away the viewer’s choice in what they see, placing them in the 'passenger’s seat' on the information super highway. This allows for the viewer to see strange and wonderful clips from Youtube videos they might not normally encounter during their routine. However, there is a feeling of tragedy when an ...

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In the spirit of Tristan Tzara’s “How to make a Dadaist Poem”, the Youtubeorator uses the Youtube Data API to travel hypertextualy through Youtube’s online video reserve, collecting micro clips of different videos and placing them together into a continuous video stream.

The stream of videos generated by the Youtubeorator is visually reminiscent of watching television while another person is frequently changing the channel. Just as the viewer becomes situated in the current scene, they suddenly find themselves observing a completely different video utterance. While we typically associate hypertext and new media with notions of free choice, The Youtubeorator takes away the viewer’s choice in what they see, placing them in the 'passenger’s seat' on the information super highway. This allows for the viewer to see strange and wonderful clips from Youtube videos they might not normally encounter during their routine. However, there is a feeling of tragedy when an enchanting scene is replaced by next, possibly to never be rediscovered.

The Youtubeorator stream acts a cross section of the Youtube video collection and user community.

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