dead-in-iraq (2010)

This is an ongoing project where Joseph plays and oline MMOFPS with potential army recruities. There in the game space, through the txting in gameplay, types in names of men and woman who have died fighting for our country in Iraq. Eventually, in the game, he dies himself, resembling the true reality of the war-on-terrorism, Americans and other brave individuals are dying for what exactly? No matter how hard we try, no one, no religion, will ever change endless they choose to change themselves. It is simply impossible to force someone to do something that they dont believe in.

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This is an ongoing project where Joseph plays and oline MMOFPS with potential army recruities. There in the game space, through the txting in gameplay, types in names of men and woman who have died fighting for our country in Iraq. Eventually, in the game, he dies himself, resembling the true reality of the war-on-terrorism, Americans and other brave individuals are dying for what exactly? No matter how hard we try, no one, no religion, will ever change endless they choose to change themselves. It is simply impossible to force someone to do something that they dont believe in.

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