Bondage Happens (2010)

Bondage Happens (2010)

For the last 8 years, whenever my cell phone received a call or text it would vibrate in my pocket. 'Bondage Happens' is a device I wear on my head that is connected to my cell phone. Whenever I receive a call or text the phone will vibrate and the device will inject a little bit of lemon juice into my mouth, thereby conditioning me to salivate when I get a phone call. I will wear the device for 2 weeks, starting Friday October 22nd.

(412) 267-7393

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Bondage Happens (2010)

For the last 8 years, whenever my cell phone received a call or text it would vibrate in my pocket. 'Bondage Happens' is a device I wear on my head that is connected to my cell phone. Whenever I receive a call or text the phone will vibrate and the device will inject a little bit of lemon juice into my mouth, thereby conditioning me to salivate when I get a phone call. I will wear the device for 2 weeks, starting Friday October 22nd.

(412) 267-7393

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