The Rat Race (2008)

(50 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm) (Helmet, Circular FL tube, Wire)

‘The Rat Race’ jests at the social ideal of the rat race - the idea that we are all rats in a competitive race to the top. Technology plays a key role in helping you climb up the ladder, but staying on top of technological progress (new software, programming languages, memes, etc) is a job onto itself. The Rat Race is a fusion of rat and technology.

Who survives the rat race? The rat race.

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(50 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm) (Helmet, Circular FL tube, Wire)

‘The Rat Race’ jests at the social ideal of the rat race - the idea that we are all rats in a competitive race to the top. Technology plays a key role in helping you climb up the ladder, but staying on top of technological progress (new software, programming languages, memes, etc) is a job onto itself. The Rat Race is a fusion of rat and technology.

Who survives the rat race? The rat race.

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