Ball & Chain (Chrome) (2010)

(90 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm) (Car Headlights, Chain, LED lighting)

24 car headlights are configured into a sphere. LED lighting is integrated into the headlights and the power cable interwoven with a thick chain that connects it to the power outlet.

This sculptural piece is a commentary on energy use. The amount that we can do is limited by the amount of energy we can spend. In effect, energy is our ball and chain.

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(90 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm) (Car Headlights, Chain, LED lighting)

24 car headlights are configured into a sphere. LED lighting is integrated into the headlights and the power cable interwoven with a thick chain that connects it to the power outlet.

This sculptural piece is a commentary on energy use. The amount that we can do is limited by the amount of energy we can spend. In effect, energy is our ball and chain.

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