Rolex Tower: Soundwave (2010)

(7 m x 1.5 m diameter) (Polished Stainless Steel)

An art sculpture in the business entrance of the Rolex Tower in Dubai. For this sculpture the artist recorded himself saying "Rolex Tower" into a computer program. Once the soundwave was recorded it was transferred to a 3D modeling program. The waveform was then rotated to create a physical sculpture whose dimensions were recreated using stainless steel. The final measurements of the sculpture represent the sound of someone saying "Rolex Tower" after .05 seconds. This large sculpture hovers 2.5m above visitors as they walk around the lobby.

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(7 m x 1.5 m diameter) (Polished Stainless Steel)

An art sculpture in the business entrance of the Rolex Tower in Dubai. For this sculpture the artist recorded himself saying "Rolex Tower" into a computer program. Once the soundwave was recorded it was transferred to a 3D modeling program. The waveform was then rotated to create a physical sculpture whose dimensions were recreated using stainless steel. The final measurements of the sculpture represent the sound of someone saying "Rolex Tower" after .05 seconds. This large sculpture hovers 2.5m above visitors as they walk around the lobby.

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