FONTES (2010)

Fonts is the name of a web device, created to generate images through text messages sent by users. Fonts is a master’s degree project that allows for discussion of some of the central themes of media-art studies. With the cooperation of users, here as participants in the process of creation, a dynamic image is created. Along with the use of new digital media, art came to consider the complexity of communication. The unfolding of modern thought, for living within a technological society, ultimately established what many authors consider an “aesthetic explosion”, meaning we started considering reception and the power to establish new inter-personal contacts as fundamental while searching for aesthetics. The masterpiece, or that self-referential object, revealed to the world by the genius of the artist it is no longer an ideal to be pursued. The sphere of art expands to new considerations. The aim of this study is to ...

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Fonts is the name of a web device, created to generate images through text messages sent by users. Fonts is a master’s degree project that allows for discussion of some of the central themes of media-art studies. With the cooperation of users, here as participants in the process of creation, a dynamic image is created. Along with the use of new digital media, art came to consider the complexity of communication. The unfolding of modern thought, for living within a technological society, ultimately established what many authors consider an “aesthetic explosion”, meaning we started considering reception and the power to establish new inter-personal contacts as fundamental while searching for aesthetics. The masterpiece, or that self-referential object, revealed to the world by the genius of the artist it is no longer an ideal to be pursued. The sphere of art expands to new considerations. The aim of this study is to explore the possibility of generating images through a software, which runs independently on the web, which has the possibility to generate an aesthetic image. The hypothesis is simple. The device transforms the text messages into files that are randomly entangled and posted over other messages already sent. Running independently on a network for an indefinite period of time, it is believed that at some point a special image can express someone’s feelings. The creation of a single universal aesthetic object is not sought after, only the realization that there is a mathematical possibility of creation through a work-event.

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