Fearoscope (2010)

The Matrix are not just big systems, governed by few centers of power. We are also pludged on several low scale matrixes and one of the strongest is the family. Family forms individual's personality in his (or her) most sensitive period of life. How many fears, phobias, paradigms, frustrations and forejudgements are inherit from generation to generation?

In dentist's waitingroom, there was a poster, calling people to make a genetic analysis of themselves to prevent inherit deseases. I asked myself how strong influence on oneself can have information, that he or she inclined to certain desease. Because we know, that there can be a strong psychical influence on every desease, I asked myself about the opposite: Can we make someones psycho-social portrait from the list of his relatives diseases?

Fearoscope uses known relations between deseases and psyhical conditions, which causes them. Checking deseases of your relatives in the table ...

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The Matrix are not just big systems, governed by few centers of power. We are also pludged on several low scale matrixes and one of the strongest is the family. Family forms individual's personality in his (or her) most sensitive period of life. How many fears, phobias, paradigms, frustrations and forejudgements are inherit from generation to generation?

In dentist's waitingroom, there was a poster, calling people to make a genetic analysis of themselves to prevent inherit deseases. I asked myself how strong influence on oneself can have information, that he or she inclined to certain desease. Because we know, that there can be a strong psychical influence on every desease, I asked myself about the opposite: Can we make someones psycho-social portrait from the list of his relatives diseases?

Fearoscope uses known relations between deseases and psyhical conditions, which causes them. Checking deseases of your relatives in the table of over 250 known deseases makes the application possible to draw your personal "fearoscope". From list of known deseases of your relatives application produces your psycho-social portrait.

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