Real Soda (2008)

While playing the canonical, somewhat meme-worthy game "Bad Dudes" on my emulator, I was surprised when a dying ninja dropped a 5x9 pixel object that I instantly recognized as a Coca-Cola can. I was quite amazed at how the cultural reference maintained in the face of the most skeletal of resemblances, completely bereft of text.

I have made a series of drawings and paintings of this game object, but "Real Soda" is the only piece created over the original article. I scored an empty Coca-Cola can with a small saw, primed it, and painted the icon onto the can.

Personally, I am infatuated with the painterly quality of pixellation, which readily combines with cultural and visual memory to make sense of what would otherwise be very blocky, incoherent symbolism.

Full Description

While playing the canonical, somewhat meme-worthy game "Bad Dudes" on my emulator, I was surprised when a dying ninja dropped a 5x9 pixel object that I instantly recognized as a Coca-Cola can. I was quite amazed at how the cultural reference maintained in the face of the most skeletal of resemblances, completely bereft of text.

I have made a series of drawings and paintings of this game object, but "Real Soda" is the only piece created over the original article. I scored an empty Coca-Cola can with a small saw, primed it, and painted the icon onto the can.

Personally, I am infatuated with the painterly quality of pixellation, which readily combines with cultural and visual memory to make sense of what would otherwise be very blocky, incoherent symbolism.

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